Creation of Governance proposals and voting
A user must hold at least 25,000 BEAM in order to post a proposal in the proposal category of the Beam Governance Forum. When creating a new proposal, a user is recommended to use the added template as a base for the proposal. See the Beam Governance Constitution for further information about the proposal process.
Submitting a Proposal to a BIP Vote
A proposal may be submitted as an official Beam Improvement Proposal (BIP) vote at, subject to the following criteria:
Discussion period. The proposal must, at a minimum, be subject to a 2-day review and discussion period counting from the time it is first published on the Governance Forum. If the content of the proposal is materially changed, then the requirement to have a minimum 2-day review and discussion period shall restart, including for each successive time a material change is made. The author of the proposal may choose a longer discussion period.
BEAM ownership. The user submitting the proposal must hold at least 750,000 BEAM.
Clarity regarding the vote. It must be clearly stated what the proposal is asking the BEAM tokenholders to vote on, including what is being proposed and what the outcome of a ‘for’ vote will result in.
Materially similar proposals. Any proposal submitted must not be materially similar in content or subject matter to a proposal that was subject to a BIP vote within the past 6 months and that has been rejected. “Materially similar” in this context refers to a proposal that addresses the same issue or matter, contains substantially similar solutions or outcomes, and presents only minor alterations to the previously rejected proposal.
Duration of BIP votes
A BIP vote shall have a duration of a minimum of 2 days. The author of the proposal may choose a longer voting period when creating the proposal. If during the voting period it becomes impossible to cast a vote because of a wide-ranging non-operability of the voting software or the relevant blockchain system, the vote shall be re-done.
Voting rights
Persons that were BEAM tokenholders at the time of the last recorded block number on the relevant voting blockchain system prior to the creation of a BIP vote, and who have held their BEAM on such a voting blockchain system, shall have the right to participate in a BIP vote. Each BEAM on a voting blockchain system carries an equal number of votes, unless otherwise follows from the relevant smart contract systems. Beam DAO-adjacent entities shall have a provision in their governing documents that prohibits them from participating in any BIP vote.
Quorum and majority requirements
A quorum for a vote on a BIP vote is reached if voting power equaling 1% or more of the circulating supply of BEAM, at the time of the last recorded Beam network block number prior to the end of the most recent quarter (first quarter of a year ending at 24:00 UTC on 31 March) preceding the creation of the relevant vote, has been used to vote on the relevant proposal.
All BIP votes require a simple majority (more than 50%) of the BEAM votes cast to succeed, unless otherwise follows from the relevant smart contract systems.
Any BIP vote that either fails to (a) meet the quorum requirement or (b) obtain the relevant majority requirement, shall be considered a rejected proposal. However, if a BIP vote does not form a quorum, a repeated BIP vote may take place if the author(s) of the proposal consents and the proposal received more votes ‘for’ than ‘against’ during the BIP vote that did not meet the quorum requirements.